Sunday, June 26, 2005

Female Friends...Not THAT Kind of "Friend"

Hello. It's me again. I was going to post this tomorrow, but I decided to post it up today. I've been thinking a lot lately, maybe too much. I wonder why I even have friends and acquaintances, despite all of the weird quirks and sometimes strange behavior that I exhibit. I'm not too sure as to what makes me so interesting to other people such that they want to associate with me. Megan, a girl I've known since middle school, as well as a person I e-mail from time to time, says that I am intelligent, funny, and interesting. By interesting, she does not mean a codeword for "strange" or one of the numerous synonyms, but I believe in a more nicer way. Hell, this even makes me wonder even more why I have female friends and acquaintances.

Let's see...a quick catergorization of all the female friends and acquaintances I have

1. The MMS Dynamic Duo. These are two girls who are the very best of friends. They e-mail and phone each other on a constant basis. If you see them, dispite the obvious differences in appearance, you would think that they are sisters separated at birth. Totally inseparable. I've known them since my days at Manhattan Middle School, which was nearly 10 years ago. They're funny, kind, sweet, intelligent, interesting, amusing, quirky, and the nicest people you will ever meet. That also, they and their circle of friends are the nicest and friendliest people. I never cease to amaze myself at how I even managed to meet them, let alone stay in contact with them.

2. The Lawrence Girls. These are the girls I know from LHS. Again, they are friendly, funny, and interesting. I see them from time to time while in Lawrence. Ah...I still remember those days at LHS with great fondness. Well, sometimes. The people I met there were really cool. I had some less pleasant moments there, but all in all, it was good.

3. The European Contingent. Ah...women from Europe. I met a large variety of them while spending a summer at Harvard University. It was after my junior year in high school. One of the best times of my life. There is nothing like meeting a European female, especially those from France, Italy, and most Scandinavian countries. Wow. Double wow. Triple wow. They're sophisticated, funny, witty, always fashionable, and they have a certain air, an indescribable something about them. It's a quality that has to be experienced personally to understand it.
They found something interesting about me, as they frequently acquainted themselves at the dorm I was staying in. Maybe it was because one of my roommates was French--a fellow European--and I was interesting because of the almost-mythical aura he had and I was just inside the fringes of the afterglow. I'm not so sure what it was, but it was nice to be recognized by them. They found the manner in which I dressed to be much better than most people, which was a good thing to them. They found it hard to believe I was in high school; they though I was in college or something. They still didn't believe it, even after I showed then the driver's license. Maybe nice isn't the right way to describe it. It was a whole lot better than nice to say the least. Especially when they are attractive females.
Anyways, I would greet them at the door and I would say a greeting in the appropriate language. They liked that. I would give them a chilled drink from the two mini-fridges I had "rented" from the Harvard Housing Services. HHS gave them to me, despite me not asking for them. Never billed me either. I guess they used the "close enough" theory of delivery. It might not be right, but it's close enough to count. Someone is paying for it anyways. The weather was hot and muggy while I was there, almost Kansas-like. They found the drinks to be welcome after being out in the heat. They found the gesture European in a way. Then it would be friendly conversation. Most of the times, they were there to see Jean-Baptiste, the French roommate. Sometimes, they just came there to relax, as in our dorm, there was a premium stereo and speaker system, a DVD player, and other cool items for entertainment. Very nice. Hell, it ain't every day when you regularly see good-looking females outside your door. I miss those days.

4. Women in Law. Law school at KU. Nothing like law school. It's easier to become friendly with people at law school. You have at least two things in common, which makes socializing much easier. You are both alive and you are in law school. Even better, if you like drinking socially or just like drinking in general, you have a third thing in common.
At this moment, I have some ideas why they are friends and acquaintances. I can do impressions. Some very well. My Woody Allen cracks people up every time...especially when I do the "Adoption" bit. I can do a pretty reasonable Macy Gray. I say "hello" to everyone I know. The font of random knowledge can be entertaining, especially when you can pull a totally random case that shoots the established legal rule out of the water. Torts I has never been the same. Oh, and it also can be entertaining when the trivia you pull out is something unexpected like the color of crack-cocaine, how to manufacture methamphetamine, or when exactly did a certain event in legal history occur. Not only the year, but the exact day and month.

I surely have been cursed and blessed in a strange way. I have an improbably high number of females as friends and acquaitances, but an equally mind-boggling lack of luck when it comes to serious relationships. What can I say? Maybe I should just consider myself just lucky to even know them.

That's all for now.

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