Monday, April 30, 2007

An April Update

Greetings and welcome back to The Un-Zone, the only known site on the Internet devoted to all things related to Un. It's been a while since I've done an update to this site, so today is just as good as any other day to post up an update.

I've been going into a a weird (even for myself) mental and physical state as of lately. I alternate between days of feeling like I'm flying high and then I go into a state where I think I'm a total failure at what I do. And some days, I'll go through all of them at once. Some days, I just want to bury myself and hide from everything and not face the day. I just don't want to wake up, which is another thing that's weird as I am a morning person and waking up is not much of a problem. Sometimes, waking up is the problem, as in the bouts of insomnia.
In addition, I'm becoming more and more forgetful. Much more that usual. I misplace stuff and I forget where I've put it. I rarely, almost never, misplace things. To me, not being able to find something, no matter how minor, is scary. It means I'm not being careful. I guess I'm one of those people who has to have everything in its place or near its place for me to feel like things are all right.
Deadlines don't mean so much any more. I generally get things done early, really early, so I can have time to do other things. Now it's like, "I've got until . That's two, three months away. Plenty of time." And time goes by and I'm now barely getting thing in before they're due. It's not good. I should be more on top of things. And then I beat myself up for this. And I enter the depressive state. Maybe I might change to a more happy state. And the cycle repeats again.
Even when I'm doing things that I enjoy, it becomes a problem. Like when I did the Stand Up Stand Off Finals last week. The beginning is going fine. Got some laughs. And then I just can't do my routine. It was scripted and had transitions. I just lost it. To be honest, I had an even better one, but I couldn't use it due to the events at Virginia Tech. (The joke was a "What's the worst thing that could happen if you make fun of an Asian? They don't do your laundry? They don't help you do your homework? They put chicken in your chicken fried rice?") The joke would have been in poor taste considering an Asian guy killed 33 people, including himself and injured just as many. The middle was terrible. I kind of redeemed myself in the end, but not enough. It wasn't good. It was having one of those nights where I just bombed, as it goes in the stand-up comic parlance. Terrible. And I beat myself up for that. And I began the cycle of wondering why I even have dreams of being a stand-up comic or at least being a funny guy for that matter. It's irrational to think this way, but it happens. More and more often.

Maybe this is the price I pay for not being so emotionally open and honest with myself and others. Maybe this is a sign of something. Or I'm just being irrational about this entire episode. I just don't know anymore. How I long for the world of black and white answers and not shades of gray.

That's all for now.

Thursday, April 19, 2007

It's An Update...Finally

Greetings and welcome back to The Un-Zone, the only known site on the Internet devoted to all things related to Un. It's time for an update to this site. It's been a while since I updated this site, so I decided to do one now.

I haven't updated this site for about two weeks. It's not that I've been lazy or I haven't had any stuff to write about. I've been busy doing other things and they have been cutting into time I could use to write witty posts that mention the great things that are occuring in my most wonderful if I actually had one. Not that I'm being harsh on myself, but honestly, I don't have a social life. More on that later...

Yes, what have I been doing?
1. Exercising as often as I can, which isn't as much I have been earlier this year.
2. Writing a God-awful research paper from hell. Why I wasn't smart enough to do the writing requirement earlier...I am not sure. I guess it was due to sheer laziness. I'm putting the finishing touches on it right now, so it shall be done before it is actually due. Which reminds me, I might need to get more printer ink.
3. Writing jokes for my performance on April 25, 2007. I'm in the Stand-Up Showdown Finals on that day. Kansas Union, 5th Floor, 7:00 PM. I might have to tweak the routine a little given the recent events.
4. Wondering why I have no social life. I've come to the sad conclusion of why I have no social life. It's due to my underlying personality. After much deliberation and reflection, I have some sort of complex. Not Oedipal, but some kind of complex that restricts my thinking in some way. I know that I have reasons why I shun social contacts or activities. I've got transportation and some money. I can talk about subjects other than law or the digits of pi or whatever is floating in my head that is socially acceptable in most situations.
After much thinking, I've come to the following explanation. I'm too narrow minded in certain aspects and I really shouldn't be. Not like bigoted or anything like that. I automatically assume that most people aren't as smart as I am and in most cases, I automatically narrow my perceptions about them. I don't want to deal with them, unless I absolutely have to. I'm prone to snap judgments that are faulty. After a while, it became some kind of complex where I don't associate with people. It's not because I am afraid of looking like some social dolt, but because I'm afraid of dealing with people not on my level. This then leads to the "not dealing with people" routine. And that leads to problems with social interaction and my current situation of social interaction ineptness. In sum, I've cursed myself into the position that I am in. I've always assumed it was due to some psychological behavioral disorder like Aspergers. Which may be so.
Of course, this is proably just a junk psychological examination that probably isn't all that accurate. I've probably missed some stuff, but for now, it works.

So that's what I've been doing recently. Nothing that exciting. The highlight of my week is the Lawrence Public Library's Free Book Giveaway this weekend. Woohoo.

That's all for now.

Wednesday, April 04, 2007

The Car in a Shrub or a Strange Dr. Seuss Title

Greetings and welcome back to The Un-Zone, the only known site on the Internet devoted to all things related to Un. It's time for an update as there really is nothing much to talk about at this hour. I'm only doing this so I can have the vague feeling of doing something on this blog. Maybe I'll post something up longer later, when I can think of something to post up. This is quite a change from my first few months of blogging when I posted up massive, rambling, semi-philosophical posts about my life.

I saw the funniest thing this morning while coming to school today. While heading west on 23rd Street, I saw some flashing lights. Must be a cop car pulling someone over for speeding or something like that. I don't see any ambulances, so it's a minor thing.
Go forward a little bit more and I see the cop car, parked near the intersection of 23rd and Naismith. This intersection, for some reason, seems to attract a lot of cop cars for some reason. Maybe it's because Naismith takes up up to KU...which for part of the school year is the area around Allen Fieldhouse.
Ah yes, the police car is there, but where's the other car? I don't see it. What's the point of a cop car there if there's no accident, no lousy driver? Then I look a little bit closer at the concrete lane divider.
There are some "trees" or "shrubs" or something like that in the middle of the lane divider. I'm no horticulture expert so my limits on naming plants are quite constricted. "Ooh...there's a pretty yellow flower. What the hell is that called again?" A quick aside on how moronic the city of Lawrence can get with priorities. The city of Lawrence, for some foolish reason, is more interested in making roundabouts and other traffic impediments look nice. I can think of other things they can spend the money on like paving roads, fixing sidewalks, and a few more parking spaces in downtown...but I'm not making the budget, am I?
Kind of like KCMO and how they're spending billions on stadiums and other big buildings that will never get used by an actual pro team instead of fixing their lousy sewers and streets. Which leads to the joke that the Royals aren't the only thing that stinks in KCMO during the summer. I digress again.
What do I see smack dab in the middle of a tree/shrub thingy?
A car. An ugly, black car with an ugly spoiler-type thing on the rear. Which leads me to the observation that cars are getting uglier and uglier. Who the hell is responsible for designing these cars? Some cars I've seen look like they stuck a giant bologna sandwich and called that the trunk. But I digress again.
It was pretty funny to see a car stuck in a shrub. Made my day. Alas, I did not have a digital camera so I cannot post a picture of this site. Oh well. Only in Lawrence.

That's all for now.

Tuesday, April 03, 2007

An Update to the Site

Greetings and welcome back to The Un-Zone, the known only site on the Internet devoted to all things related to Un. For those who do not know what this means, this site is all about the random thoughts floating in my head that I find interesting.
The semester is about to end very soon and my many years of school--19 years to be somwhat exact, will all be over. I will have more diplomas and more education that I probably will ever need in real life. As much as I dislike certain aspects of the American law school educational system like well, nearly everything about it, as well as the other asssociated hassles that come along the way, law school wasn't all that bad. I mean, when compared to certain aspects of real life.
In law school, you could plan you days such that you only went to school for half a day. Or you could have your Fridays free of class, let alone any day you chose. If you only wanted classes in the morning or the afternoon, that's fine as well.
In the real world, however, it's a mandatory 8 hours, five days a week. At a minimum. Add in the forced overtime, or in the lawyer's world, 100 hour weeks for your first year so you can have a chance at being a partner in the school isn't so bad. Sure, you have to deal with boring books, even worse classes, and faculty and administration that you might not get along with, but it's nothing like the real world.
In sum, given the choice between law school (or grad school) and the real world, hand me the books and I'll write a paper. I might be persuaded even more if you throw in some cash as well. Fat chance of that happening.

That also and I won't have so much time to see KU basketball and stuff like this:

I'm not a big fan of the law school rankings given out by US News and World Report as its a giant load of bullshit. I'm not a fan of their methodology. If you've seen the news lately, they arbitrarily will put numbers in their formulas if they don't have that information from your school. Which totally defeats the "objective" purpose of their rankings.
The University of Kansas is doing so much better in the rankings...if you can actually believe them. I've always thought that KU Law is much better than what the rankings say and I think that the University and others put too much emphasis on those numbers. For me, personally, I could care less about the rankings. It's all about the personal stuff. You could go to the number one school in the nation, but if you don't like the experience there, it's not the best school for you at all. The same applies to grad school and college.
Oh well. Believe what you want. But the rankings and the methods they use to come up with them are all pseudo-science mumbo jumbo.

That's all for now.