Wednesday, June 08, 2005

Another Post

For some reason, I feel like posting today. There seems to be nothing better to do today. Depressing. The most exciting thing I can think of is posting random stuff on a blog that few people, if any, will read. I really need a social life.

One of the few female friends I know e-mailed me today. Note the word "few" in that sentence. She wrote to say hello and to ask how my life was going at this moment. In my traditional form, I answered with a mix of sarcasm, self-deprication, blunt literalism, and some humor. She finds the e-mails I write to be amusing. She wonders why I haven't become a writer yet.
Knowing that I am a decent writer (my Lawyering professor has a different opinion) when it comes to funny stuff, she asked if I could come up with an "All That Jazz" parody. And she wants it by 10 PM Friday. Ah, a challenge.
Well, I have come up with a rough version. I am quite proud of myself. It took about a half hour to get it done. For those who aren't KU alums or KU law school students, Green Hall is the law school building. And yes, law school students like beer. A sample of it:

Drop the books
I know a great night spot
Where the drinks are cheap
But the girls are not
When you're out of Green Hall
Your IQ starts to fall
From all that beer!

I think she'll find it quite amusing. Hell, what I wrote might be the final version. I shall tackle the rest of the songs from Chicago and parodize them. It will be more interesting that what I am doing now.

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