Sunday, June 05, 2005

The Culture Test

I'm a geek. Not just any type of geek, but a multi-subject geek. A jack of all trades. I know something about many subjects. Sometimes too much on a certain subject. This gets me into sticky situations where a simple explanation does not work as well as it should. I lack the focus of hardcore geeks--those people who can focus on an inanely small thing and focus on it for their entire lifetime. Like those physicists who focus on nothing but mu-pion decay and get a Nobel Prize. Not very healthy behavior, but it does bring about modern miracles that people take for granted. I do have an awareness of when I am not functioning socially, at least in a commonly accepted sense, so at least I know when to stop digging a deeper hole of embarassment for myself. Well, most of the times.
There's the issue about expressing feelings, controlling the random fits of anger, the social avoidancy problems, the intense dislike of people touching me, being too obvious, being inconsiderate of other people's feelings and a whole host of other problems that I should try to solve. God only knows what other problems I have. At least I recognized some of them. Anyways, I digress.
I used to be an English major before I went to law school. I used to be a computer science major before that and I hated it, despite being there for over two years. I went from Engineering to English and managed to survive that change. It's no surprise that I like English related stuff. Not the literature or other things of that nature, but the hardcore stuff like linguistics, dialects, grammar, usage, etc. Even better, I found this website that talks about these subjects. Oooh....language construction.
There is other stuff that is not related to language and linguistics. Stuff like foreign comics, book reviews, random rants, and the funniest series of "Culture Tests" online. Now you too can tell if you are American, Canadian, French, and other cultures around the world.
I spend way too much time online. That's all for now.

The Zompist Website

"Are You An American?" Test and Many Other Cultural Tests

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