Thursday, June 02, 2005

Calling Dr. Evil...

Mad scientists and evil villians have plotted countless numbers of ways to destroy Earth: death rays, super bombs, asteroid collisions, etc. Some people I know are planning Earth's destruction as I write, as they are uber-SciFi geeks. I digress. None of them are complete. In general, they involve death of all humans, but the Earth still survives. None of them are very likely by any stretch of the imagination or with science. Well, forget all of those movie plot devices and visit a website with more scientifically plausible ways.

A British math major at Cambridge has devoted a website to more practical ways of destroying Earth. Ranging from complete existance failure where all atoms break apart into quarks to a massive anti-matter reaction, he lists what you need, a basic outline of what to do, the final state of the Earth and how feasible it is. It's quite comprehensive...scarily so.

As he states in an interview, he doesn't want the Earth to be completely annihilated as he will not have "storage space" for all the stuff he has. Understandable.

Yeah, and his website has a bunch of other interesting stuff like pictures, math, and other randomly geeky stuff.

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