Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Kids Say the Darnedest Things...

Greetings and welcome to the Un-Zone, my little Internet puulpit where I get to rant and rave about what's going on in my life and to vent some holy brinstone and fire on the congregation. Excuse me while I rant about some comments made by the current "President", George W. Bush.

You remember the show "Kids Say the Darnedest Things?" Where an adult would ask kids questions and people would laugh at the great answers the kids gave? Maybe they should have "G. W. Bush Says the Darnedest Things."
The following comes from a BBC story:
"We do not torture," Mr Bush told reporters during a visit to Panama.
He said enemies were plotting to hurt the US and his government would pursue them, but would do so "under the law".

Hmm, I wonder what happened at Abu Graib? Oh, the "we" didn't refer to the US soldiers that did those things. Wait, according the President, it really wasn't "torture" per se, as the Geneva Conventions were "quaint." It was more along the lines of heavy tactics to persuade enemy combatants and not POWs to give vital information against the war on terrorism. I guess what happened there was just a mistake and would never happen again. Then comes rumors of the secret CIA prisons and the Rangers beating up prisoners. Rare incidents that do not reflect an accurate picture of the US.

Or how about this ironic doozy coming from Bush in Brazil? He called on Latin American countries to embrace democracy and not authoritarian rule. This is what he had to say about authoritarian rule:
"The other seeks seeks to roll back the democratic progress of the past two
decades by playing to fear, pitting neighbor against neighbor and blaming others
for their own failure to provide for the people," he said. "We must make
tough decisions today to ensure a better tomorrow."

Hmm. Playing to fear? If we do not fight the terrorists everywhere they are, they will attack the US and try to destroy our democracy. The avian flu might become a pandemic and we do not have the necessary resources. What's that? Pitting neighbor against neighbor? Rich versus poor. The US against Latin American criticism. Tension in the Middle East. Blaming others for their own failures to provide for the people? FEMA during Katrina and Bush not watching the news? Not knowing the gravity of the situation until a staffer showed him four days worth of video of people stranded on roofs and chaos in the Superdome? The "mission accomplished" in Iraq? What mission was accomplished then in 2004? The same one we're facing now or a new one? We've got money to fund a military initiative in Iraq but we seem to be out of money for other stuff like social security and healthcare and education. What's up with that?

G.W. Bush says the darnedest things. That's all for now.

BBC Article
AP on Yahoo News

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