Friday, November 04, 2005

It's all About the Hypothetical Questions

I'm a writing machine. It's another update.

It's amazing what you find when you look at old notes from your 1L year and your 2L year in law school. I've discovered that I've written down some really off-the-wall stuff like "Hurricane at the Bar" in my Torts notebook and "The Contracts Professor's Family Tree" in my Contracts I notebook. The sad thing is, I actually remember what all of these comments mean.
Which brings me to the update I've written to the Gray Hall saga. It's not really part of the stroy plot-wise, but it's more of a snippet of what law school life is really about. The more "human" side to law school. This little interlude I've written is all about the weird and interesting questions that law school professors and law school students have said during class.

That's all.

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