Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Radioactive Chairs...

Greetings and welcome back to The Un-Zone, the only site on the Internet devoted to all things related to Un. Basically, I write about stuff that I find interesting and post it on this blog so all the people on the Internet can see what's going on in my life.
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Just kidding. There is no Mind Reading version of HTML. However, I do get the odd urge to...nah. It has to be the CIA mind control machine.

I probably should have posted this in yesterday's post, but I guess I forgot. If you've paid attention to the news, when it actually talks about the news, you might know that there have been studies about cell phones causing cancer. I don't belive them. By the way, I don't own a cell phone for personal reasons.
But wait. Head cancer? Most people have their cell phones in their pants pockets and for men, that poses for an interesting situation. The anatatomical proximity of the reproductive organs makes them an excellent target for these sterilizing radiation waves. And to think that in the future, sterility won't be due to surgeries, but due to carrying a cell phone in your pocket too long.
You now can add in the following to things and places you should avoid if you want children. The chairs in Green Hall Room 201, commonly referred to as The Courtroom. To be more specific, the jury box. Why should you avoid these chairs at all costs if you want little versions of you?
As the post title should hint, the chairs are radioactive. Yes, these chairs are emitting out radiation. It's possible that this radiation could cause you to go sterile.
Well, the nice people at Green Hall did post up the following warning sign:


Yes, it says "may be" radioactive, but this is a law school. That's just a disclaimer that could mean anything, like the chairs are radioactive and we're warning you of the possibility. Everybody says it "may be" but I know that they wouldn't be posting up that sign if those chairs didn't register on a Geiger counter or if they knew that some source of radiation was near those chairs. You just don't post up these warning signs if you knew, absolutely without a doubt, there wasn't a reason to be worried about radiation. It's kind of like posting a "BEWARE OF DOG" sign in your yard if you don't have a dog. Well, that wasn't an apt simile, but I think you should be able to get the logic.
Great. I used to spend lots of time in those chairs during my law school career. I hope that I haven't been affected by this...discovery. Lead-lined suits on the ol' family jewels from now on...
I'm now beginning to wonder why there are signs on Room 104 mentioning that certain classes will be meeting in a different room. Next thing you know, I'll walk into a classroom and see a sign warning about potential asbestos hazards, lead hazards, and God knows what.

That's all for now.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Cell Phone Radiation and the Increase in Brain Cancer
people appear to have an almost pathological emotional attachment to their cell phones and there is a fascinating suggestion that cell radiation pulses might actually be addictive to the human brain
for more information visit this site
