Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Finals Are Coming...

Greetings and welcome back to The Un-Zone, the site for all things related to Un. It's time for another update, making it three in a row, all on consecutive days. Oh, the joy of being consistently consistent with updating this blog instead of consistently inconsistent or maybe inconsistently consistent. I digress.

It's that time of the year again. A little more than one week before the semester is over and that means one thing...the dreaded law school finals. And I have a very, how does one say this politely, bad final schedule. I have a final on a Saturday (Business Associations II), two on Monday (Payment Systems and Land Transactions), and two on Tuesday--the next day (International Economic Law and Professional Responsibility). Having two finals on the same day should make for a real mind-screwing when they are on two totally unrelated topics. Nothing like four tests in two days. For some strange reason, I have a knack this semester for picking classes with atrocious scheduling. This should make for a very fun finals period. I should be thankful that I'll have lots of time to prepare for the onslaught. No prom dinners in the law school or any other noisy social event sprung upon unsuspecting students. Though one of the many variations of Murphy's Law might come into play. With the weather right now and how unpredictable (normal for Kansas) it's been, I wouldn't be surprised if something happened like a thunderstorm cutting off power during the middle of a final...
Then again, when I was an undergrad, I once suffered from the same situation, but the finals were a whole lot easier, unlike the hell that law school finals are. Law school finals, unlike finals as a normal college student, are a different breed of test. Those formerly and currently in law school should know what I am talking about. They make a person, after seeing the grade one received, curse the entire law school experience of "mandatory curves" and "grade distribution." It's no wonder that law school students and lawyers go into drinking and become "functioning alcoholics". I digress again.

Well, that' all I've got to say about finals, which, in the end, didn't amount to much. I think I might study for my finals. I think.

That's all for now.

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