Thursday, February 09, 2006

Random Website Links

Greetings and welcome back to The Un-Zone, the semi-regularly updated site devoted to all things related to Un.

It's time for random website links that I found amusing.

A judge tells Congress in a legal opinion to stick the new backruptcy law where the Chapter 7 don't shine. He found the new laws to be anti-consumer and pro-big business, which isn't so surprising. Credit card and other financial services companies had complained for years that their costs were increased by people who ran up debts knowing that they could file for bankruptcy and avoid repayment.
Supporters (credit card companies and financial service companies) say the new law was good since Americans would save money on interest rates. It would stop the "bad customers" from making a mockery of the bankruptcy process. Then again, credit card companies like people who don't pay on time because they make most of their money by charging late fees and high interest to the late-paying customers. Where else can you charge up to 24.99% and get away with it? Oh, payday loans.
Yes, there are people who abuse the bankruptcy process, but they are a small minority of the people who make use of it. Anyways...I digress.
A zinger of a quote from his opinion:
"Apparently, it is not the individual consumers of this country that make the donations to the members of Congress that allow them to be elected and re-elected and re-elected and re-elected."

You can read the opinion here:

After the "scandal" (which means "event that leads to public uproar that leads to business as usual--lie, cheat, steal") in Washington DC over lobbyists like Abramoff, one might (in a delusional state of mind) think that Congress would clean up their act. Not exactly. It's business as usual because very few people want to lose free trips to exotic locales or a round or two at a premium Scottish golf course. It's not like people are going to vote them out of office.

Justice Breyer of the Supreme Court says there are no politics involved on the Supreme Court. In theory, that would be the case, but in real life...theory doesn't work the way one would hope. Can anybody say 5 to 4?

President G. W. Bush didn't pitch the plan of privatizing Social Security. Why bother when you will get tossed into a lake of fire? What you do is downplay everything by proposing "bipartisan proposals" and then slippping his own proposal into the budget. It's that old sleight of hand trick that magicians use: "look at this hand while the other hand does something pull out the hidden rabbit in my sleeve."

That's all for now.

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