Monday, October 10, 2005

Commercial Law Midterm

Greetings and welcome from the Un-Zone, the not-so frequently updated website for all things Un. It's been a while since I last updated. I'm becoming lazy.

So, I have a midterm for one of my law school classes, Commercial Law: Secured Transactions, quite possibly, one of the less interesting courses I am taking. For some reason, if it's a required class, it is a boring class. One you don't want to spend more than five minutes in or you will go into a coma-like or zombie-like state. It's all those statutes you have to read. They get to you after a while. It's been a while since I've had a midterm. The last one I had was my senior year of college.
As the professor stated, Secured Transactions is a statute-heavy class. You just have to know the statutes. Some jokingly call this class and others like this a "statutory class," or one that will screw you over with or without your consent. Just because you might have given consent or had it forced on you, your mind will be violated.

The midterm has short answer questions. His idea and most law school professors' idea of "short answer" looks more like a miniature treatise on the subject. He even had freaking mentions to the comments of UCC Article Nine. I sometimes have problems remembering what section to Article Nine is the definition of "consumer good." I know the definition, but if you ask me what specific section states this very pertinent definition, I can't tell you off the top of my head.
Fifty minutes to write coherent answer with cites to code, that's just crazy. I find a "midterm" kind of useless, but I'm not the professor. Odds are, if you don't know by now what perfection or attachment or any of the basic terms of art are by now, you won't remember it or know what it is when finals time roll around.
Oh well. It's only 30% of my grade in this class. The worst I can do is a C, as they rarely fail people in law school, unless you don't show up for the test or something. Why you would actually fail to do this is beyond my comprehension.

I'm going to have a fun day tomorrow. Commercial Law, Business Associations, Constitutional Law, Estates and Trusts, plus a midterm. Woohoo! I'm so excited...

Please, somebody remind me why I am in law school in the first place?

That's all for now.

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