Monday, September 26, 2005

National Novel Writing Month

Recently, I've been telling those who will actually listen that I'm thinking about participating in National Novel Writing Month, a crazy deal where you write 50,000 words in 30 days. It starts on November 1 and ends on November 30. After much thought, I've decided to fully engage myself in this endeavor.

What possessed me to do such a crazy thing as I am a law school student and coincidentally, finals start in December? Well, I just feel like it and I've always wanted to do something like this. I'll have something resembling a novel at the end of the month. Most people think of writing one, but I'll have the satisfaction in knowing that I have made an actual effort.

What will I write about? A humorous story about a law school student(2L) in a fictional law school based upon the law school I attend at this moment. Those who read this blog and attend KU might recognize some of the in-jokes and might recognize the characteristics of certain characters belonging to people they know.

I'm also going to "publish" this online. Well, by "publish," I will create a new blog and post what I write on that blog during the month of November. This blog, during the month of November, will be more of an update blog than anything else. Like if I have written and posted anything. That way, you will be able to laugh at my attempt at writing an actual novella with an actual plot. Hopefully, you will find what I write about and not my sad attempt at writing funny. So I am insecure and I mock myself a lot.

I must be crazy to actually go on with this. Well, wish me luck as I get ready to register and write a freaking novel in November. That's all for now.

National Novel Writing Month

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