Monday, September 19, 2005

A Couple Links...

Greetings and welcome back to the Un-Zone, the site where I am now in a link-posting rut. I guess that is better than randomly typing about nothing.

You know the phrase, "make a killing" when refering to the stock markets? According to researchers, the best stock market traders share the same mental profile as psychopaths. Imagine a broker with the cunning mind of Hannibal Lecter managing your portfolio. And he does this while drinking a nice Chianti. In the book, Silence of the Lambs, Hannibal Lecter ate the census taker's liver with fava beans and a big Amarone. Just something I remembered.
Hopefully, big companies won't take this study to unsafe extremes and rationalize it with "It's good for the stockholders and the company." Then again, one could argue companies have done this before. I digress.
"Functional Psychopaths" Link

The following story is not meant to be taken in an offensive manner in any way. And with that in mind, consider the following question: Is it possible for the cover over an ice-cream cone to offend followers of a particular religion. Yes, if the lid happens to be designed to cover Burger King ice-cream cones in Great Britain. Why anyone would want to eat ice-cream from Burger King is beyond my comprehension. The person who discovered the "sacreligious" ice-cream cone cover said, "This is my jihad. How can you say it is a spinning swirl? If you spin it one way to the right you are offending Muslims."
"Burger King Ice-cream Cone Cover"

There's a day for everything. You have Valentine's Day, Arbor Day, Christmas, the list goes on and on. Well, there's an International Talk Like a Pirate Day. And it is today. So use some pirate lingo like "pieces of eight," "Arrr" and "matey" in your conversations. One must wonder when is the International Act Like a Ninja Day, as we all know that pirates and ninjas are enemies.
"Talk Like a Pirate Day"

That's all for now.

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