Sunday, September 18, 2005

The Beer 101 Course

Greetings and welcome back to The Un-Zone, where the insane are running the asylum. An interesting thing of note, if you question your sanity, odds are, you are not crazy. Those who are crazy never question their own sanity. I don't question my sanity. You decide.

Some of my first posts on this blog involved alcohol and law school. To reiterate, every law school event will feature alcohol in its many forms. No matter the event, whether it is for charity, fund raising, academic recognition, there will be alcohol involved in some way. When a law school student, alcohol will form a large part of your social life and will infect your mind. You will think about alcohol every waking moment and every unawake moment in your life. This might explain why some lawyers develop drinking problems later in life. This also explains the need for Legal Ethics and Professional Responsibility courses, as the alcohol messes up with rational thinking processes. In all reality, one can sum up all the rules into the following: "Don't screw your clients legally or physically." Pretty self-explanatory.

Apparently, there is an actual course being taught at UC Davis called "Introduction to Beer and Brewing." Obviously, this will be a very popular course. There is also an upper-level course where students actually design and brew their own beer. In addition, there are beer tastings, but people must spit the beer down the drain. People actually cry when this happens. Not too surprising is that the professor teaching the course is an Anheuser-Busch Endowed Professor. I wouldn't be too surprised if more people started attending UC Davis in the near future just to take this class.

That's all for now.

The Beer 101 Interview

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