Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Finals...Part Two

Greetings and welcome back to The Un-Zone, the somewhat regularly updated site on the Internet devoted to all things related to Un. It's time for a post-final, but not over with them update.

I just finished my first final for today. Yes, I have another one after this at 2:00 PM. Yes, I have four finals in two days. And yes, I have mentioned this fact for the gazillionth freaking time already. And yes, I will say for the gazillionth time that I must be crazy, stupid, a masochist, or a combination of all three for even doing this endeavor when I could have done something less strenuous. But I'm still standing and still functioning, so I guess I am doing OK for now. I may not be after I take the final final today. My last final until December 2006. Then it starts all over again. I just love law school.

I guess that trying to study for four finals in such a short amount of time has messed with my reading skills. I was writing my eassy down for International Economic Law and I guess I failed to note that the professor wanted the answer written in a specific format. Mr. Murphy struck and when I realized that fact, I was halfway done. And I had written it in ink, as per instructions. Now wasn't that stupid?
So I decided to rewrite the whole thing again in a brand new bluebook, as one can never be too sure if the professor will take off points for not following the instructions. This is law school, of course, and every point counts when you have an inanely foolish thing called a "madatory curve" that will mess up your chances of getting an A, but will most likely give people who really deserve an F a gentleman's C. It happens quite a bit at law school. Though some professors actually give people D's and F's for doing a major work of suckage on finals. Very rare. Very rare. Yes, I rewrote the entire essay over again. I really must be crazy to do that. Next time, I shall read the instructions a bit closer. This does not bode well for my future lawyer skills.
Yay. I have a Professional Responsibilty exam at 2:00 PM. Must have lunch first. That and quite possibly a large amount of caffeine to keep me awake. Must preserve some brain cells.

That's all for now.

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