Monday, May 15, 2006

Finals...Part One

Greetings and welcome back to The Un-Zone, the no-so-ready-for-consistent-posting blog devoted to all things related to Un. It's time for one of those updates.

I've got about an hour before I take my first law school final today. After a lunch break, I've got another final. First is Payment Systems and then comes Land Transactions. Oh the joy. Oh the unbridled joy. I just can't wait. Actually, I can wait, but if I did, I probably would not show up for the final and fail the class, thereby making this situation worse. And that doesn't look good on the ol' transcript and it makes for embarassing conversations with lawyers and other law school students...
As if that wasn't fun enough, I have two more finals tomorrow. International Economic Law and yes, Professional Responsibility. Oh, that should be such a great way to top off a lovely finals schedule. I really should look at the finals schedule and make better class selections.
But I don't. I must be a sucker for punishment. Or really dumb. Or I like the classes so much that I couldn't care less. Or a combination of all of the above. Either way, I won't be having much fun tonight.

Well, on a different note, congrats to all the law school students graduating this year. Some of you, I have been well acquainted with like Lowenthal, "Mac Daddy" MacRoberts, DiPasquale, and others I failed to mention. I know that you all will be having fun preparing for the most important test of your future career...the bar exam. Now that will be a really good time. Actually, it won't be that fun, but I'm just being sarcastic.

That's all for now.

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