Saturday, August 13, 2005

Office Supply Mayhem

Greetings and welcome to the Un-Zone, one of those weird sites on the Internet that makes you wonder if it was all a hallucinogen-induced dream or an actual site. Just kidding. The stuff I post on here isn't that strange. I can think of many sites that are much more stranger. Anyways...

Remember the show MacGyver? That was a really great show. Who wouldn't want to be MacGyver? Unless you were the bad guys. Then you wanted to kill him or run away. He could get out of any situation with some science, a paperclip, and lots of ingenuity. For a person who didn't resort to violence that often or guns (only one time in the pilor episode), he sure did know how to make lots of things go boom. A true nice guy, he got the girl and did it with style.
After seeing the show, it got me wondering what could you really do with seemingly ordinary stuff. So I would imagine and experiment with various items I found around the house. Sometimes, I would just draw stuff that seemed really cool at the time. Alas, none of them worked that well or they were just the wishful thinking of a quasi-mad genius child. I still wonder. Can you turn seemingly innocent items like paperclips into something useful or possibly dangerous?

Apparently, you can. With ingenuity, much pain, and lots of tape, one can turn rulers into a crossbow. Or a highlighter into...well...something that defies description. I'm not exactly sure when you would be able to use these implements. Or why you would want to use them in the first place. Or what sort of strange mind would come up with this stuff and actually build it.
Even then, one must admire the ingenuity and craftmanship that went into building some of I can't think of a better word to describe what these people have built. It's the best eupehmism I can think of at this moment. Anything else would sound inadequate.
As interesting as I find these projects, personally, I would not attempt to build them. I'm way too clumsy and I lack adequate hand-eye coordination. Considering that all of the projects actually work and that most of them involve things that could injure, maim, and poke eyes out, combining my clumsiness and sharp objects would make for a painful situation. I'm reminded of my days in Computer Science and I had to build a circuit board for a class. I learned that soldering irons are very hot. Solder is hot. Yeah, and I have cut myself numerous times with sharp objects too many times.

Some readers of this blog and those who have visited the site might be tempted to build these things. I'm hoping that you all are well-informed, rational people with lots of common sense. Please use it. You would be crazy to attempt to build them. They can cause injury to self and to others. You'd be better off building models or something. Yeah, and if you do attempt to build them, I hope you have good insurance 'cause you'll probably need it.

That's all for now.

Office Bricolage

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