Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Morning Observation

Greetings and welcome back to The Un-Zone, the only site on the Internet that I know of that is devoted to all things related to Un. It's time for one of those updates that I do for this blog at a semi-consistent basis.

During the weekend, I went to Haskell University's Indian Art Market. It was an outdoor event and unlike me, they had prepared for the possibility of rain. When I arrived there, there was a heavy shower. And to think I had not expected this event to occur. Yup, I left the umbrella at home.
You know, one of the hardest questions to answer is the following, especially when it is asked by a female. It comes in many variations, but the basic premise is the female will ask how do they look in a certain item of clothing: "Does this look good on me?" The other is "which one looks better?" No matter what answer you give, something you say will cause them to become annoyed or angry. If you are blunt by saying "It makes you look *insert adjective here*," and it is not complementary, they will cry and call you insensitive. If the words happens to be "fat" or "ugly" or the death phrase of "It makes your *body part* looks fat," they will try their best not to rip your head off and insert it where the sun don't shine. On the other hand, if you say they look nice, which may be the truth, a female (most that I know of) will either become insecure and say, "Are you sure" and ask you over and over again. Or they will accuse you of lying and go through the "You don't care enough about me to tell me the truth" bit. Note, I am going by the limited personal experience that I have dealing with women and through observation. Personal experience, sadly, is lacking; however, I have had lots of time to look at couples go through this deadly dance of clothes. Not to bash on women and seemingly have a stereotypical view of women, I do know of women who honestly accept criticism and compliments without going through the moods I have described.
I generally defuse the situation by telling the truth in a funny way. I always say, "You're asking a guy. What would I know about fashion?" Which is the honest truth. What do men know about fashion? Unless you are a clothes designer, a person who is picky about clothes, or one of the guys from Queer Eye, most men will not have a clue about clothing. As long as it passes the smell test and it fits, it's good enough to wear. I do have some sense on what to wear and what not to wear, but I'm not sure if such and such bracelet accessorizes with the clothes you are wearing at that time.

That being said, I do know one thing. Clothes from the 1980's are not cool. Retro may be the cool thing to do right now, but I think they should have skipped the decade where superhold hairspray was the norm. Seriously.
A case in point. This morning, while coming to law school this morning, I happened to spot a girl walking to class. I'm assuming that she was walking to class since she was on campus. Maybe she was going to the gym. I'm not totally sure. The girl was attractive, but something was definitely wrong in the style department.
Imagine blond hair in a shade that was not natural, unless you have a genetic relationship to blond squirrels pulled up in a ponytail. A neon-pink jacket. Neon-pink shorts reminiscent of the old-school basketball shorts worn during the 1970's. A black shirt with neon-green and neon-yellow letters written on the front. Pink sneakers. And to top it all off, a hot-pink bag. Note the amount of neon colors in her outfit this morning. More neon than the Vegas Strip, more neon than Andre Agassi when he started out in tennis, more neon than a one-hit wonder 80's hair band. Not cool. She probably would have looked better if she wore something less...well...neon. A little is fine, but that much is not. I think my eyes are still hurting. If I only had a picture to post.
Then again, what would I know about fashion? I'm just a guy who can't tell if everything is nicely accessorized.

Time to go to International Trade. Oh the joys of writing six pages of notes. My Tuesday is off to a great start.

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