Sunday, July 24, 2005

Single Mode

Greetings and welcome to yet another update to the Un-Zone. The weather in this corner of the world is hot and humid. Supposedly, it will be "cooler." Considering how accurate the weather forecasts are around here, I don't think it will be cooler. I think KMBC changed their weather forecast at least three times yesterday. You would expect them to be a little more consistent. Anyways...

I used to be a computer science major in college. After two and a half years of going crazy looking at endless lines of code in multiple languages, I realized that I did much better with poetry and prose than with Perl and programming. So I switched over to English and History, two subjects that I found much more to my liking. I enjoy technology; I find the structure and logic inherent with computers and code to be fascinating. But not good to normal sleep patterns and "monitor tan" is not healthy looking.

I've retained several aspects of the CompSci/Engineering lifestyle. Or maybe it is just me. I enjoy using hacker slang--the old school used by the MIT/Stanford guys as well as the more modern versions. An interesting book is the Hacker's Dictionary, available online as well as in print. A highly entertaining read.
I'm in perpetual single mode. For those not used to the "Engineering lifestyle," being involved with Engineering or anything related to computers generally means being single. There is a sad lack of females in Engineering/CompSci/CompEngineering. While I was there, I could count the number of females on two hands.

About single mode. It's not that bad. I guess. No tricky emotional attatchments. Lots of free time to do what you want to do without someone disapproving. Very little need to follow certain social niceties that are, for the most part, outdated and pretty foolish once you actually think about them. On the other hand, there are drawbacks. One, you are alone. Two, you are alone. Three, you are alone. There are many good things about companionship. Emotional attatchment can be a good thing. Sometimes, social niceties can be fun. Well, at least some of them. And you can't beat a female when it comes to understanding the finer points of color coordination and the female mind.

Why this digression? Apparently, my parents(actually my mother) think I have spent a little too much time in single mode. My mother wonders if I'm actually heterosexual. Just because I haven't found a nice girl and I don't talk about girlfriends, I might be gay or something. It can be a pain, as Asian mothers are well...infuriatingly annoying sometimes, especially when it comes to their children and marriage. That is another subject.
Another thing. I've told people that I am single. That I haven't been on a date or had a girlfriend since....well...a long time ago. They find it hard to believe. Then comes the inevitable questions of why not? Some have even gone to "Are you gay or something?"

Actually...only my parents have asked me that. Um...wait. Only my mother has asked me that. Apparently, because I don't talk that much about dating or girlfriends or if I have seen a nice girl to marry, I must be gay. Asian mothers are like that. It's a cultural thing. NO ONE can beat the Asian mother in the "Why aren't you married/dating?" department. I mean no one. Which makes me wonder why I never hear "Are you a lesbian?" from an Asian mother. It must be the cultural thing. It's a male dominated world out in Korea. Then again, it's like that nearly everywhere you go.

If you have read my posts, you can see that I like females. I've talked about finding a nice girl to date and have a meaningful relationship with. I've blathered on and on about things I like about them. It's too bad my parents are technologically impaired. If only they could use the Internet and read these posts. I tried teaching my mom how to use a computer and she forgot the next day how to turn it on. It's hopeless.

I guess my mind is like that of the old MIT hackers at Tech Square in the 1960's. I've focused everything on what I'm doing right now. Law school, technology, etc. They're ranking higher on the list. Unlike those at Tech Square, I do notice females, especially attractive ones. The only problem, I have problems interacting with them. I either am too afraid to approach them or if I do, I act like a fool. Like "Oh my God. I am a total klutz. I can't say or do anything except seem standoff-ish." It is indeed a rare occasion when I can act like a well-functioning person. One of these days, I'll put "meaningful relationships" higher on the priority list. Either that, or a female will unexpectedly enter into my life, whack me on the side of the head, and captures my attention. I predict it will be the latter. Yes, I am that clueless about females.

Well, that's all for now.


The Kansas Law Student said...

I may or may not be in the exact same boat as you in this department, but If not I am certainly in my own boat in the same swimming pool (to say ocean would be to exaggerate the difference)...5 minutes before reading this post I was just asking my brother why neither he nor I have any "game"...

I'm also in the camp that someone will eventually slap you in the head...In the meantime, I wholeheartedly agree that focusing on law school (among other important things) is a more than adequate reason to postpone your search.

I can't help you with the asian mother dilemma though.

introspectre said...

Have you tried online dating services? That was where I met Mr. Wonderful (who is an IT supergeek). We met on the computer, which was fitting.

And to all the naysayers who think you should hurry up, tell them all to suck a collective egg. Really. (Maybe not your mom, but...) Holding out for someone worthwhile is far more valuable. Tell them you don't feel like lowering your standards from Mrs. Right to Mrs. Right Now. Instant gratification isn't always the best plan.