Monday, June 12, 2006

Open Mic at Stanford and Sons

"Humor is just another defense against the universe."
-Mel Brooks

Greetings and welcome back to The Un-Zone, the only site on the Internet devoted to all things related to Un. Or so what I have been led to believe given the Internet searches I have done lately.

Tomorrow, I embark on something that I have wanted to do and that is called stand-up comedy. I am signing up to perform a three-minute stand-up comedy routine at Stanford and Sons, located in Overland Park, or the OP. It's an open mic night where wannabe comedians go out on stage and prove they've got a sense of humor.
In all reality, I should be more focused on getting a job for next summer, studying for the MPRE and the Bar Exam--activities I have not done so well on. My track record is not so great. Given that I should graduate from law school (assuming I don't fail or get expelled) next year, these activities should be a number one priority in my life. But I've got to perform and this seems like a safer and much better alternative than cracking jokes while cross-examining a witness in a trial or trying to weasel my way out of a future traffic ticket.
I don't know what's going on in my head at this time. I have this urge to be a comic instead of a lawyer despite my dislike of talking or doing anything in front of large(two or more) groups of people. And being a comic requires just that.
If I do make it on the sign-up list, the showtime is 8:00 PM. And there will be the nervous waiting. And the lingering doubts of whether or not I have decent material and if I will bomb. Hopefully, if I do make it on the list, I will do well and make some people laugh. If not, there is always the June 27th date. And I shall have to suppress the urge until then.

That's all for now.

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