Wednesday, March 22, 2006

It's the Media's Fault

Greetings and welcome back to The Un-Zone, the semi-regularly updated site for all things related to Un. It's now time for an irregularly scheduled Spring Break update.

President George W. Bush now blames the media for the low poll numbers supporting the War in Iraq That Supposedly was a Mission Accomplished but for Some Reason is Still Going On, but Technically Isn't a Military Conflict Despite Soldiers and Civilians Getting Shot At or Blown Up or Etc. Apparently, because the media focuses too much on the violence that is going on over there, and not enough on the progress like schools being rebuilt and other improvements made. Great logic. The media is to blame for the low poll numbers. If it weren't for the pesky media, Iraq would be a much better place and everybody would support me in everything I do. It's obvious liberal bias. What the...?
So, when the media states a fact like 2,318 (at the last count) American soldiers have died and nearly 20,000 were wounded and the government does less for them when they come back home (due to budget cuts), the Pentagon has messed up on giving them armored vehicles and body armor, and the US gets caught torturing (not according to the administration) Iraqis at Abu Graib, it's the media's liberal bias? When a soldier gets injured by a roadside IED, it's the media's fault that gets broadcasted? OK...let's flip coins here.
If the media only reported things like schools were being built and didn't point out US casualties, what would G.W. Bush say? That there is a conservative bias in the media? He would praise the media for their even-handedness and their obvious care for reporting the facts (Something G.W's administration can't handle or find like WMDs).
Let's be "fair and even-handed" with sharing the blame (This is meant to be sarcastic.) If it weren't for those pesky terrorists, there would be no IEDs. If it weren't for those Iraqi citizens who just can't dodge bullets and shrapnel and who can't select a place that's safe from car bombs, there would be no civilian casualties. Hey, if it weren't for those US soliders who can't magically detect bombs and who can't deflect flying metal, there would be no military casualties. No casualties, no stories about the quagmire in Iraq that's turning into a civil war between Shiites and Sunnis. There is absolutely no blame to be placed on the Bush administration, as President G.W. Bush, in his own words, does not make mistakes.
The last time I checked, only God is perfect and therefore, does not make mistakes and G.W ain't God. Though he pretends to be in his consistent state of arrogant hubris and vanity that pathetically covers up his ignorance and inability to face the truth, despite it not going the way he wants it to be. Arrogant pride and vanity, aren't qualities in a born-again Christian or a Christian of any sort. Then again, I might be reading the Bible wrongly or I got the incorrect version.
How is the media supposed to sound fair and even-handed? Just fail to mention the pesky little details like US casualties? Ignore the truth? Pretend it didn't happen and cover it up just like Abu Graib (though according to the administration definition, it isn't torture unless the pain level approaches that of organ failure or death. Then again, dead people don't feel anything. If an American suffers the same as those in Abu Graib, it's called torture and barbaric behavior. If it happens to an "enemy combatant," then it's not. How do you explain the difference? Just change the definitions)? I can imagine the news...
"Today in Iraq, a new elementary school was opened in Karbala. Please ignore the following, as it may cause you to think poorly of the administration. In other news, a car bomb killed 33 children who were attending the opening ceremony of that school."
"The new power station in Baghdad is functioning at 100 percent today. The citizens of Baghdad are now able to use the electricity without six-hour blackouts for the first time since
the beginning of the war. If you would like to know more about any US military casualties, the media is unable to broadcast this news as it is undermines the US military policy in Iraq."
It ain't the media that's causing Americans to doubt the Iraq War. It's what the administration is doing that's causing the problems. Even if the media didn't broadcast casualties, people, both US and Iraqi are still dying in Iraq. You can't stop that from happening. Unlike the plastic soldiers that you and Rumsfeld play with (and probably played with to plan this mess), real people die and don't come back to fight again.
That's all for now.

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