Tuesday, July 11, 2006

It's An Update

Greetings and welcome back to The Un-Zone, the site for all things related to Un on the Internet. It's time for one of those updates that somehow bring you back to this site.

I recently went excercising at a rec center. After the customary cycling warm up, I decide to jog on the eliptical machine. Not the ordinary threadmill, but the high tech machine that tells you electronically that you are not moving fast enough. Sort of like the electronic drill sarge. Or the trainer that doesn't let you give up if you slow down. I guess that I am a person who enjoys this sort of thing. Anyways...

So I'm getting the two miles done and I strike up a conversation with a nice woman that I generally see on Saturdays while at the center. She and her husband and the rest of her family are there on Saturdays. She notes that I'm on THAT machine--the hard one--and that I must be crazy.
And while pounding out the two miles--I'm now done with 0.87 miles and have 1.13 left--some girl and a guy walk in. For some reason, the girl recognizes me and waves. I get the odd feeling that I should know this person and that I have seen her before once in my life. Maybe multiple times.
And I'm left wondering if I should wave or ask who they are or whatnot. It would be embarassing to say, "Hi, I don't know who you are, but I think I know you. What's your name?" I probably should have, but it's kind of hard to think and exercise at the same time, especially when you are accident prone as I am.
I do the friendly thing and make an attempt at waving and saying hello while trying not to fall face forward onto the electronic panel. I think it's common courtesy to be friendly, even if you have the vaguest clue as to the identity of the person. But I also believe in safety and making the full attempt would have led to bodily injury to self. I'm one of those people who think that I'll still be clumsy, even if I lost weight and had muscle. Hey, I can't help it. Hand-eye coordination still eludes me.
And this guy and girl go around the weight room trying the equipment while I do my two miles. And they leave and she waves goodbye. And I still don't know who she is and I still don't know where I've seen her before. I think I went to school with her in college or law school. I can remember and recall the first hundred decimal digits of pi, but I suck with names and faces. Go figure.
Oh well, at least I got my two miles done, plus an addition mile when I got home. Now, if I can only remember who that person was...

That's all for now.

1 comment:

Nathan said...

I enjoy it when people distinguish between remembering and recalling. Yeah for slight differences!