Monday, December 05, 2005

Time For An Update

Greetings and welcome to the Un-Zone, now on a semi-irregular, consistently inconsistent updating schedule as it is Finals Season in Green Hall. So, instead of updating on a regular basis, I am spending much time reviewing notes to get ready for finals. Isn't that fun? First up is the wonderful world of Evidence. That should be fun.
I spent Saturday and Sunday watching football of all sorts. Texas v. Colorado (blowout), USC v. UCLA (rivalry game that was another blowout), Florida State v. Virginia Tech (a great game), and KC v. Denver (Go Chiefs). Then reality struck and it was time for review. Yes, I am actually studying for finals.
There are a lot of awards given to football players in college. You've got the Heisman, the Butkus, etc. This update is all about websites I've found, but with semi-catchy award titles for each site.

The Duh Award for Most Obvious Story goes to the Christian Science Monitor for their insightful opinion article entitled "A Culture of Bribery in Congress." John McCain once said, "If hypocrisy was gold, then Congress would be Fort Knox." Mark Twain noted that "Congress is the only criminal class" in America. As if ordinary Americans didn't know that people in Congress had a reputation for being corrupt and unethical...
The Future Dumb Criminal Award, the Be Afraid for the Future of America, and Most Likely to end up on COPS Award goes to a College of Charleston student. He told the police that he and his friend were kidnapped after a night of heavy drinking, kidnapped, and forced to smoke crack at knifepoint. He later confessed that the entire story was a lie, except for the smoking crack part.
The Interesting but Self-Defeating Use of Mathematics Award goes to the scientist who used mathematics to stabilize a wobbly table without resorting to the use of beer coasters or other shims. The table still won't be horizontal, but it won't move.
The Country Roads Lead to Rocky Mountain High Award goes to the drug lords in the Appalachian Mountains of Kentucky, not West Virginia. Sorry, John Denver fans. Senior citizens are the new drug dealers out there. They can sell their prescription drugs for $10 a pill and well, some are sorely tempted to make a deal or two to those addicted to pain killers. I guess that throws out all of those traditional "drug dealer" profiles out of whack.

That's all for now.

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