Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Stand Up Comedy Competition

It's an update to this blog. Apparently, there will be an Open Mic Night at the Kansas Union and it will be a stand-up comedy competition.
If you have read my blog, you will know that I enjoy doing stand-up comedy. Yes, I don't perform that often to be considered a serious comic, but hey, I've got a schedule that makes performing on a Tuesday night a tough proposition. If you go to an open-mic at Stanford and Sons, you don't end up back in Lawrence until midnight if it's a busy one. I'm not much of a night owl. Yeah, it's a pitiful excuse and I should be more serious about this, as I enjoy doing this more than law school at this moment.
I think the perfect situation has come up, thanks to the University Daily Kansan(UDK), a newspaper that I rarely read, as I prefer the New York Times.
According to the UDK, the Student Union Activities association is holding an Open-Mic series where aspiring musicians, poets, and comics show their stuff in order to win monetary prizes. I did their Stand-Up competition in February and I had a good time. I didn't win (the big prize was a gig at a comedy club for a famous comic), but I'm not bitter or anything.
The voting is done by the audience and the top-three vote getters make it to the big final contest. If I do try out for this on November 15, 2006, I'm going to need to be funny and I need to get votes. Maybe I should load the audience with law school students...just kidding. Actually, I might have to do that to win.

That's all for now.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey J.U.,
I am an attorney and a ventrilquist. Maybe I should do a comedy real estate routine at that open mike at the Kansas Union.
Do you write your own material?
Bonita Yoder (785) 842-2288